Cyber Bullying Paragraph For HSC & Admission (100, 150, 200 Words)

Technology undoubtedly offers many advantages, but it also has drawbacks. Because of it, cyberbullying has emerged. Cyberbullying, to put it simply, is when someone intentionally uses technology to harass another person. To understand all about cyberbullying, you need to read our cyber bullying paragraph for different classes. So, let’s get started.

Cyberbullying Paragraph for HSC

Using digital and interactive technology to threaten, harass, and humiliate someone is known as cyberbullying, and it is especially prevalent among children and teenagers. The sole means of accessing technology are the tactics employed in cyberbullying. The bully and the victim of cyberbullying may suffer negative consequences. The death toll from such incidents is one of the deadliest effects of cyberbullying. The other crucial factor is that bullies are typically instigators and may engage a huge number of individuals online.

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Cyberbullying Paragraph 200 Words

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that occurs when someone uses any kind of technological device. Cyberbullying is a serious issue that today’s youth face. Different forms of cyberbullying exist. Because bullying is so prevalent and has the power to destroy a person’s life, a lot of individuals are interested in this topic these days. Today, it is thought that cyberbullying is a new type of bullying. Any offensive language or images posted online for public viewing could be considered cyberbullying. It could also entail the dissemination of false information about the victim online. A lot of people are working harder to stop bullying before it starts. 

The most prevalent forms of cyberbullying are text fights, impersonation, online slam books, mobile phone pranks, cyber stalking, and the sharing of embarrassing images. Bullies may seem frightening, but in reality, they are the ones who are unhappy. The majority of bullies have experienced bullying at the hands of their parents, siblings, or other youth. Law enforcement agencies are currently very active in dealing with cyberbullying or cybercrime. In view of this, there is an opportunity to get easy complaints and remedies from various units of Bangladesh Police, Counter Terrorism Unit, and RAB.

Cyberbullying Paragraph 100 Words

Cyberbullying is a type of cybercrime. This crime is spreading widely these days. In general, by bullying we mean an exchange of heated words between two people or insulting someone. Similarly, insulting someone or making defamatory comments on someone through the internet or social media is called cyberbullying. Similarly, presenting someone’s picture or video in a distorted and defamatory manner is also called cyberbullying. As this crime is spreading widely these days, criminologists are taking the matter very seriously and have suggested that appropriate measures and strict laws be enacted quickly.

Cyber Bullying Paragraph 150 Words

Cyberbullying can happen through text messages, chatting or conversations and apps. Cyberbullying can also happen through various social media, forums or gaming. Cyberbullying has a negative impact on people of all ages, young and old. Just as children do not want to go to school after being cyberbullied by their classmates, adults also become reluctant to work if they are cyberbullied by their colleagues at work. Using the internet to talk negatively about someone, make harmful comments, spread false information, etc. In this, the person about whom the information is being shared may feel embarrassed or humiliated. Again, we often see offensive comments in the posts of famous players, actors, businessmen or social media influencers. We also get involved in cyber bullying many times without knowing it, even in the guise of jokes. That is why we need to be quite aware of this issue.

Cyber Bullying Paragraph for Admission

Cyberbullying includes sending harassing messages, posting offensive content, disseminating misleading information about someone, and sharing someone else’s private information or images online. As a result, the sufferer must endure social humiliation. Women are increasingly among the people that cybercriminals target. Cyberbullying causes depression in many young women. It can occasionally be a cause of suicide. Most importantly, before sharing any information about others online, ask yourself how you would feel if someone shared such information about you.


Cyberbullying or virtual harassment is an aggressive and intentional act that is repeatedly carried out by a group or an individual. Basically, in this virtual world, one can easily keep one’s identity hidden if one wants. Due to which people from different sections of society are constantly being subjected to cyberbullying. I hope the cyber bullying paragraph has been able to clarify your idea.


  • Sharmin Shimi is a dedicated education writer at, specializing in academic updates, admission guidelines, and exam results in Bangladesh. With a passion for simplifying complex information, she helps students stay informed about their educational journey.

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