Grapes Are Sour Completing Story For Class 6 to HSC (200 Words)

“Grapes are sour” completing story teaches a lot of lessons in everyone’s life. It helps to change our perspective towards failure and inspires us to develop a positive mindset. So even though it is short, the story is very important. Moreover, it is also very important for students of different classes.

Completing Story: Grapes are Sour 

Read the beginning of a story. Write at least ten new sentences to complete the story.


Once a hungry fox was searching for food in the forest. After a while he came to a vineyard. He was very tempted at the sight of the ripe grapes. The grapes were hanging very high…………

Ans: Once a hungry fox was searching for food in the forest. After a while he came to a vineyard. He was very tempted at the sight of the ripe grapes. The grapes were hanging very high and out of the fox’s reach.

The fox moved a little distance away, ran from there and jumped. But the jump was in vain, he could not catch a finger. He went away again, ran and jumped. Despite repeated attempts, the fox could not reach the grapes.

At one point, the fox got tired. When he tried hard, he could not reach the grapes, then, oh! The fox, feeling bitter after eating the grapes, left the farmer’s garden in sorrow.

Moral: One should not slander others to cover up one’s own incompetence.

Read also: “Lion and Mouse” Completing Story

Important Words’ Meaning

Grapes – আঙ্গুর; jump – লাফ; hungry – ক্ষুধার্ত; vineyard – আঙ্গুরের ক্ষেত; tempted – প্রলুব্ধ; ripe – পাকা; distance – দূরত্ব; vain – নিরর্থক; despite – সত্ত্বেও; attempt – প্রচেষ্টা; bitter – তিক্ত; sorrow – দুঃখ। 

Grapes are Sour Completing Story for HSC & SSC

Due to continuous rain for three days, a fox could not go out in search of food. Unable to resist the hunger, the fox started wandering in the forest in search of food.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a bush. He saw a grape tree and many ripe bunches of grapes hanging there next to the bush. The fox decided to eat those grapes to fill his stomach.

But he started thinking about how he would reach the bunches of grapes that were so high on the tree. But the fox could not find any way. Finally, frustrated, he left that place.

On the way back, he started saying – “The grapes are sour; I could not even eat those grapes, and even if I did, my stomach would not be full.”

Moral: It is inappropriate to criticize others to cover up one’s own incompetence.

Important Words’ Meaning

Search – খোঁজা; bush – ঝোপ; bunch – গুচ্ছ; stomach – পাকস্থলী; continuous – একটানা; resist – প্রতিরোধ; wandering – ঘুরে বেড়ানো; reach – পৌঁছানো; frustration – হতাশ; sour – টক। 

Grapes are Sour Completing Story 200 Words

One afternoon, when a fox was wandering in the forest, he came to a tree where he saw a bunch of grapes hanging right above his head.

His tongue watered at the sight of those big juicy grapes. And he said to himself, if only he could get that bunch of grapes, oh, I don’t know, how happily he would quench his thirst and fill his heart on this sweaty summer afternoon.

And as soon as he thought of it, he started jumping to reach the grapes, but he failed in his efforts. He tried again and again, but every time the fox failed.

After many more such attempts, the poor fox gave up hope, and as he went back, he consoled himself by saying that it was a good thing he didn’t get the grapes, they must have been very sour.

Moral: It is easy to despise what we cannot have.

Important Words’ Meaning

Watered – লালা ঝরা; juicy – রসালো; quench – নিবারণ; thirst – তৃষ্ণা; sweaty – ঘামে ভেজা; console – সান্ত্বনা। 

Grapes are Sour Completing Story 6, 7, 8, 9

One day, a fox was walking along a forest path, very hungry. Suddenly, he saw a bunch of juicy grapes hanging from a tree branch. The grapes looked very tempting, and the fox’s mouth watered.

He jumped and tried to eat the grapes, but he could not reach them. He tried again and again, but failed. Finally, the fox, frustrated, thought, “These grapes are definitely sour. What will happen if I eat them?”

Saying this, he changed his path and left.

Moral: It is easy to underestimate what cannot be achieved.

Important Words’ Meaning

Forest – বন; suddenly – হঠাৎ; hanging – ঝুলন্ত; thought – চিন্তা; definitely – নিশ্চিতভাবে; happen – ঘটা।


Many times we work hard for something, but fail to achieve it. Then we consider it insignificant or unnecessary. This story teaches us that we should accept failure and continue working, not belittle it. Grapes are sour completing story teaches us that lesson. 


  • Sharmin Shimi is a dedicated education writer at, specializing in academic updates, admission guidelines, and exam results in Bangladesh. With a passion for simplifying complex information, she helps students stay informed about their educational journey.

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