“February 21st” is a memorable day in the life of the Bengali nation. Paragraph writing about February 21st often comes up in exams. In today’s article, we will tell you about “International Mother Language Day Paragraph”. We hope that by writing the International Mother Language day paragraph – 21st february paragraph, you will be able to do well in the exam. Previously we’ve published July Revolution Paragraph. We hope it’s also important for you.
International Mother Language Day Paragraph 10 Lines
We are reminded by International Mother Language Day of the value of learning and celebrating a variety of languages. It is like having a set of great tools for talking to people and learning new things! Sadly, the police shot some of them. However, they wanted everyone to speak Urdu back when Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan. Bengalis felt that this was unfair because Bengali was the language of their homes and their hearts. Each language is unique and contributes to the preservation of our customs and tales! Thus, let us all honor the wonderful gift of language on February 21st!
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International Mother Language Day Paragraph PDF
February 21 is designated as International Mother Language Day. Language and cultural diversity around the world are honored. In 1999, UNESCO declared this day to exist. The day honors the events that took place in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 1952. Students were martyred in 1952 for calling for the acceptance of Bangla, their mother tongue. It emphasizes the value of protecting indigenous languages. Cultural identity and legacy depend on these languages. Worldwide, there are cultural events, linguistic festivals, and educational activities. To increase awareness, schools offer extra lessons and activities. It encourages harmony and mutual understanding amongst various linguistic groups.
International Mother Language Day Paragraph for Class 12
Bangladesh observes a special day on February 21st each year. This day honors a courageous event that took place in 1952. East Pakistanis wanted Bengali to be the official language at the time. However, the rulers stated that Urdu was the only official language. This did not sit well with students or courageous individuals. They objected and demanded that Bengali be made official as well. Regretfully, a few demonstrators were even injured while defending Bengali. However, their courage was not in vain. Bengali became official at last because of them! Today, February 21st is not just a memorable day in Bangladesh but also around the world.
International Mother Language Day Paragraph 200 Word
From February 21, 1952, the youth of Bangladesh stood up for their language and initiated a big change in history. The Bengali language is unique because people have fought hard to protect it, even giving their lives. So, this day is not only a moment of pride for Bangladesh, but it also shows how powerful language can be in shaping our world. This declaration was issued on 17th November 1999. Today, people around celebrate this day. This day holds enormous significance in our national life. For this day, we have gained notoriety and recognition. The world is now aware of our nation and language. The world respects and salutes us. This morning, the entire country pays homage by visiting the memorials built in their memory. In remembrance of the martyrs, people from all walks of life, including young children, form a long line and lay flowers barefoot. Everyone keeps silent for a few minutes to pay their respects.
21st February is a day to remember for the Bengali nation. It is an outstanding symbol of our grief, pride and pride. Hopefully the International Mother Language day paragraph – 21st february paragraph will be helpful for you to make a good preparation for examination.