Who does not know the story of the lion and the mouse? These short and long moral stories are really inspiring for all children. At the same time, there is always something to learn from these stories. Moreover, the lion and mouse completing story is very important for the exams of secondary level students. So below we are presenting this story in different ways so that students can prepare well for the exams.
Read also: A Thirsty Crow Completing Story
Completing Story : Lion and Mouse
Read the beginning of a story. Write at least ten new sentences to complete the story.
“One day a lion was sleeping in its cave. A mouse was playing nearby. While playing, the mouse came on the lion’s body. When it came on the lion’s ear, the lion woke up and became very angry……………..”
Ans: One day a lion was sleeping in its cave. A mouse was playing nearby. While playing, the mouse came on the lion’s body. When it came on the lion’s ear, the lion woke up and became very angry. He wanted to catch the mouse with his paw and kill it.
The mouse was very scared. He said to the lion in a very polite tone, “Please don’t kill me. Please forgive me, my king. One day, perhaps, a time will come when I can be of use to you.”
Hearing this, the lion laughed and said, “Tell me, what other use can you be to me, being such a small creature? Still, I let you go. Whatever!”
A few days later, the lion suddenly got caught in a trap of hunters. Being caught in the trap, the lion started roaring loudly. Hearing that roar, the mouse ran there. Seeing the danger of the lion, he went to its ear and forbade it from roaring. Because those who had set the trap might come running after hearing the roar.
The mouse now started its work. He started cutting the rope of the trap with his teeth. Finally he freed the lion from the trap. After being freed, the lion thanked the mouse and said, “I despised you because you are small. You saved my life today. From today on, you are my dearest friend.”
Moral: We should not look down on the little ones, they can also do great things if given the opportunity.
Important Words’ Meaning
Trap – ফাঁদ; caught – ধরা পড়েছে; roar – গর্জন; freed – মুক্ত; cave – গুহা; nearby – কাছাকাছি; wake – জাগানো; angry – রাগান্বিত; paw – থাবা; scare – ভয় পাওয়া; polite – ভদ্র; tone – স্বর; forgive – ক্ষমা করা; perhaps – হয়তো; creature – প্রাণী; whatever – যাইহোক; hunter – শিকারী; loudly – জোরে; danger – বিপদ; rope – দড়ি; opportunity – সুযোগ; desprise – অবজ্ঞা করা।
Lion and Mouse Completing Story for HSC
Once upon a time, when a lion was sleeping in the forest, a mouse started jumping on his body for his amusement. This woke the lion up and he got angry. At the same time, when the lion was about to eat the mouse, the mouse immediately requested to free him and swore that if he ever needed it, he would definitely come to the lion’s help. Seeing this misadventure of the mouse, the lion laughed a lot and let him go.
After a few months, some hunters came to the forest to hunt and caught the lion in their net. At the same time, they tied him to a tree. In this situation, the restless lion tried many times to free himself but could not do anything. So he started roaring loudly.
His roar could be heard from afar. At that time, the mouse was passing by on a side road and hearing the lion’s roar, he realized that the lion was in trouble. As soon as the mouse reached the lion, he started cutting the net with his sharp teeth and as a result, the lion was freed after a while and he thanked the mouse. Later, the two of them went towards the forest together.
Moral: Don’t neglect someone just because they are small, because they can be of great help to you in times of trouble.
Important Words’ Meaning
Forest – বন; once – একবার; amusement – বিনোদন; immediately – অবিলম্বে; request – অনুরোধ করা; swore – শপথ; definitely – অবশ্যই; sharp – তীক্ষ্ণ; misadventure – দুঃসাহসিক কাজ; Restless – অস্থির; Situation – পরিস্থিতি; afar – দূরে; jump – ঝাঁপ দেয়া; towards – উপরে।
Lion and Mouse Completing Story for Class 6, 7, 8
A lion was fast asleep in his den. Suddenly, a small mouse ran into a hole in the lion’s nose. As a result, the lion woke up. He tried to catch the mouse with his paw and kill it. The mouse said very politely, “Please don’t kill me. I can also be of use to you in time.” Hearing this, the lion laughed and said, “How can you be of any use to me, being such a small creature?” The lion let him go.
A few days later, the lion got caught in a tight rope trap. After falling into the trap, the lion started roaring loudly. The mouse hurried there when it heard the creaking sound. He went to the lion’s ear and stopped him from roaring after realizing how dangerous he was. Because the roar might cause those who had placed the trap to flee.
The mouse now started cutting the rope of the trap with his teeth. He ultimately got the lion out of the trap. After being released, the lion thanked the mouse and said, “I despised you. But I realized that you should not despise anyone.”
Moral: One should not despise anyone because they are small. Anyone can come in handy in times of trouble.
Important Words’ Meaning
Suddenly – হঠাৎ; moral – নৈতিক; trouble – ঝামেলা; Forbid – নিষিদ্ধ করা; handy – সহজ; creak – কর্কশ চিৎকার; fast – দ্রুত; asleep – ঘুমন্ত; den – গর্ত; politely – ভদ্রভাবে; hurried – তাড়াহুড়ো; realize – উপলব্ধি; flee – পলায়ন।
So you have learned about the lion and mouse completing story. Since we have presented a few stories, you can read the one that seems easy to you. If you have read these, don’t forget to share them with others.