NU Degree 1st Year Result – Check Result with Marksheet

NU Degree 1st Year Result: Note that July or August of 2024 will see the results published. Make sure that this date is when you check your results. Once it becomes available, we will continue to offer updates and more details regarding the Degree first year exam result 2024. You may also learn how to access your mark sheet and interpret your performance using your grades or CGPA. Nonetheless, you can use and, the official websites of the national university, to view the results online. Please fill out the required information to download the nu result check.

We like to show you a detail process to check the nu degree result. So, look no further because we are going to explain a detail process to check the result.

Read more: NU Result 2024 (মার্কশীট সহ রেজাল্ট দেখুন)

NU Degree 1st Year Result Overview

Result Type NU Degree 1st Year Result
Academic Session 2021-22
Semester First Year
Exam Start Date 22 February 2024
Exam End Date 13 May 2024
Probable time of result publication July or August

NU Degree 1st Year Exam Routine

nu degree result

nu degree result 1

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NU Degree 1st Year Result 2024

Are you trying to find the results of the First Year National University Degree Pass Course? This article provides concise and comprehensive information on the degree first part outcome. 3,43,017 pupils in all showed up to take the test. The date of the national university results is on the students’ minds. The outcome will be made public shortly. To confirm your outcome via SMS or the internet. following the upload of the result by, the national university database system. Nonetheless, the crucial actions of verifying each student’s numeric results.

Read more: NU Honours 3rd Year Result 2024

How to Check NU Degree 1st Year Result Online?

Use these steps to view your National University Degree 1st Year exam results online:

  1. Go to, the official results page.
  2. To expand the selections, click the plus (+) button next to “Degree”.
  3. “Degree 1st year” should be selected.
  4. In the designated box, type your roll or registration number.
  5. Let exam season begin.
  6. As indicated by the image, complete the captcha.
  7. Press the “Search” button to see the outcome.

Following the completion of these stages, your outcome will be shown. On the website, you may view your results for every subject as well. This approach guarantees easy access to results for both regular and irregular students.

How to Check NU Degree 1st Year College Wise Result?

These simple techniques will help you get the college-wise results for the National University Degree 1st Year exams. You can view results by college using this approach, which is not immediately available on the National University website.

  • Check out the official webpage. 
  • Select “Degree 1st” from the list of choices.
  • Choose the Exam Year, the Subject Name, and the College Name or Code.
  • Navigate to the bottom of the page and select the “Show College wise Result” button.
  • The results for your college will show up on the screen when you click. 

Be advised that heavy usage can occasionally cause the server to go down. Try visiting the website again later if that occurs. Everyone will be able to readily obtain and review their findings tailored to their college thanks to this way.

How to Check NU Degree 1st Year Result Via SMS?

You can obtain your National University Degree 1st Year exam result via SMS on your phone, though checking it online is typically faster. While it’s not usually the case, some students think that SMS can provide findings more quickly than online. Nevertheless, here’s how to utilize SMS if that’s what you need or prefer to do:

  • On your phone, open the messaging app.
  • In the body of the message, type: NUDEGYour Exam Roll Number
  • Message 16222 with this message.
  • You would type: NU DEG 123456 and email it to 16222, for instance, if your test roll number is 123456.

Remember that there may be a little cost per message for receiving your result via SMS. If you don’t have internet access, this is a helpful alternative.

NU Degree 1st Year Result CGPA/Grading System

Before you check your result, you should be aware of the following NU Degree 1st Year Result grading system:

Marks Letter Grade Grade Point Remarks
80-100 A+ 4 First Class
75-79 A 3.75 First Class
70-74 A- 3.5 First Class
65-69 B+ 3.25 Second Class
60-64 B 3 Second Class
55-59 B- 2.75 Second Class
50-54 C+ 2.5 Second Class
45-49 C 2.25 Second Class
40-44 D 2 Third Class
0-39 F 0 Fail

NU Degree 1st Year Result Marksheet Download

Students can visit, the National University’s official website, to get their Degree 1st Year Result for the 2024 academic year. They can view their individual results and marksheet by providing their registration number, roll number, and passing year. The results are now available to all students at the National University, regardless of whether they took part in grade enhancement tests or not. Here are some easy steps to follow in order to download your marksheet for the first year of your degree:

  1. Go to, the National University’s official website.
  2. In the corresponding fields, provide your registration number, roll number, and passing year.
  3. Select “Search” or “Submit” from the menu.
  4. The first year result of your degree will appear on the screen.
  5. Seek out an icon such as the Print Button.
  6. Click the “Download Marksheet” button now.
  7. The marksheet will be downloaded in PDF format to your device.
  8. Your degree first year result marksheet has been successfully downloaded from the National University website.

Note: The national university authorities reserve the right to revoke the degree if an error is found in the results published in the first year of the program. Within one month of the results being published, any candidate or interested party may apply for an online review of the results if they have any objections or complaints regarding the results.


It is expected that in July or August, the NU Degree 1st Year Result for the exam session 2021–2022 would be made public. The result status currently shows that it is not yet available. It is recommended that students be informed about the newest information on result publication and access methods by visiting official websites, such as the National University website.


  • Sharmin Shimi is a dedicated education writer at, specializing in academic updates, admission guidelines, and exam results in Bangladesh. With a passion for simplifying complex information, she helps students stay informed about their educational journey.

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