Patriotism Paragraph

Surely you want to know about patriotism paragraph? So we present patriotism paragraph to you now. To know this paragraph you need to read the article carefully. This paragraph is written in various exams, so there are many students who search a lot about patriotism paragraph. That is why in today’s article we are going to present to you a total of different paragraphs. You can prepare your exam.

Patriotism Paragraph for HSC

Patriotism is the love of one’s native land. Which is a natural quality of human life. People’s pulse is connected with the country by birth. And deep love was born in his heart for the homeland. This unique love is patriotism. The mind of the people towards the soil, light and air and food and water of the native land is immense. He has an emotional attachment to the geographical and social environment of his homeland. The bonds of his students are formed with the language, literature, culture and traditions of the native land. Swadesh Prem is the name of this affection and friends towards nature and people of homeland. Patriotism is not only limited to the struggle to gain independence or to protect independence, but the expression of patriotism is also expressed through making the country prosperous. The love of country is also manifested in the pursuit of knowledge. If we want, we can create a bridge of love for the world through love for the country.

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Patriotism Paragraph 250 Words

Patriotism is selfless love for country. The origin of patriotism is from the innate attraction towards the country, if there is no love for the country then it is never possible to develop the country. So every person should have patriotism. That is why we need to inculcate the spirit of patriotism in our national life. Only then will our country prosper. Swadesh love includes love for mother. Today our country needs real patriots. Patriotism is not only expressing love for the country, but also teaching to love every person of the country. And to love people is to love God. After all, patriotism is the name of love of the world. Which is much needed in today’s world. It is essential to have the quality of patriotism in every person of the country. One cannot be a true citizen unless one is a patriot. All over the world, great patriots have been born in communication. Those who have decorated the world beautifully with their talent and actions. And modern civilization, society and state were created in their hands. At the same time, their patriotism has turned into universal love.

Patriotism Paragraph PDF

Every person is born in a certain part of the world, which is his homeland. And his relationship with this homeland developed. Deep love is born in his heart for his country. The unique love in these different religions is Swadesh love. At the same time, a huge bond of roots is formed with the language, literature, culture and traditions of the native land. Patriotism awakens in all the people suffering from the tyranny of subjugation. Patriotism is one of the momentary sentiments in the life of all human beings which especially helps people to rise above selfishness, communal narrowness and political differences. Motivating and self-sacrificing for the welfare of the country.

Patriotism Paragraph for Class 6 & 7

To love one’s country, the people of the country is patriotism. Who does not love his country? Patriotism is a natural human quality. Patriotism is the deep compassion of social people towards their country. The basic truth of patriotism lies in loving mother, soil and people. Every person’s body, mind, faith, ideals, everything is nourished by the various elements of the homeland. Therefore, he begins to love the language-literature, history-tradition, social-culture and life and environment of the country. This love is patriotism. To be motivated by patriotism, people must be loved. One should despise one’s own plight and devote oneself to the greater good of the country and nation. Patriotism should be a noble virtue in every human being. It is the exclusive responsibility and duty of every patriotic citizen to contribute something for the country and nation motivated by patriotism.


The love for the country and its people is patriotism. By birth, people’s pulse is connected with the land of their birth. Deep love was born in his heart for his motherland. This unique love is patriotism. That is why the patriotism paragraph has considerable importance. People’s compassion for native land, light, air, and food is immense.

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