Sheikh Saadi Completing Story For (বাংলা অর্থসহ) HSC & SSC

Sheikh Saadi completing Story reveals the double-mindedness of society, where people of wealth or status are treated equally, while people in ordinary clothes are ignored. It teaches us that respect or good treatment for someone should not be based solely on their clothes, but rather on their qualifications and personality.

Completing Story: Sheikh Saadi

Read the beginning of a story. Write at least ten new sentences to complete the story.

[CtgB-2015; RB-2012; SB-2012; DjB-09]

Sheikh Saadi was a great poet in Iran. He used to lead a very simple life. Once he was invited by the king of Iran to the royal Court……

Ans: Sheikh Saadi was a great poet in Iran. He used to lead a very simple life. Once he was invited by the king of Iran to the royal Court. When it became night, he took shelter in the house of a rich man. At that time, he was wearing ordinary clothes. No one in that man’s house showed him any respect. 

Even the servants in the house did not respect him. They thought he was an ordinary man because he was dressed like an ordinary man. Sheikh Saadi felt very sad. He reached the court of the king of Iran. The king showed him respect, affection, and care. While going, he gave him money and an expensive royal dress. 

Saadi put on the expensive dress and started returning home again. As it was night on the way, he went to the rich man’s house again. The rich man showed respect to Saadi. He arranged for him to eat enough good food. Saadi did not eat the food and started stuffing the food in the pockets of his clothes. 

The man asked Saadi why he was putting the food in his pockets without eating. Saadi said that “the food is worthy of my dress, not mine. I came to you another time. Then you did not respect me. Because then I was wearing ordinary clothes. Now I am wearing an expensive royal dress, so you are respecting me.” 

The man recognized Saadi and felt ashamed.

Moral: Clothes never make a person famous.

Read also: “Robert Bruce” Completing Story

Important Words’ Meaning

Respect – সম্মান; ordinary – সাধারণ; royal – রাজকীয়; expensive – ব্যয়বহুল; shelter – আশ্রয়; servant – চাকর; affection – স্নেহ; stuffing – ঠাসাঠাসি করে রাখা; worthy – যোগ্য। 

Sheikh Saadi Completing Story for SSC, HSC

Sheikh Shadi (RA) usually lived a very simple life. Once, at a party, he left wearing torn and dirty clothes. So the host, not recognizing him, gave him relatively poor and inferior food. Sheikh Shadi understood the matter. He returned after eating that poor and inferior food and after a few days, he went back to that house wearing good and royal clothes. This time, all the good food and chess were shown in front of him. He sat down to eat and ate something and put some food in the pocket of the shirt he was wearing.

Seeing this situation, the host asked, what are you doing, sir?

In response, Sheikh Shadi (RA) said, I came a few days ago, I had torn and dirty clothes on my body. So the way you showed me respect, now you have shown me much more respect because of my poor appearance. So I thought that I do not deserve this respect and food and chess, they are all from that poor appearance.

That person felt ashamed. He realized his mistake.

Moral: A person is known by his conduct and his knowledge.

Important Words’ Meaning

Torn – ছেঁড়া; inferior – নিকৃষ্ট; appearance – উপস্থিতি; recognize – চিনতে পারা; relatively – তুলনামূলকভাবে; matter – বিষয়; situation – পরিস্থিতি; response – উত্তর; deserve – প্রাপ্য; ashamed – লজ্জিত। 

Sheikh Saadi Completing Story with Bangla Meaning

One day, the famous poet Sheikh Saadi went to attend an elite invitation. When he arrived there in plain clothes, the guests neglected and ignored him. This made Sheikh Saadi realize that this society values ​​people based on their external clothes and prestige.

Later, he returned home, put on an expensive and magnificent dress and went to the invitation again. This time everyone showed him due respect and hospitality.

While serving food, Sheikh Saadi suddenly stuffed the food he was eating into his pocket of cloth. When everyone was surprised and asked why, Sheikh Saadi said—”You are not respecting me, but my clothes, so let the food also enjoy this dress!”

Moral: Clothes never make a person famous.

Important Words’ Meaning

Invitation – আমন্ত্রণ; famous – বিখ্যাত; attend – উপস্থিত; elite – অভিজাত; arrive – পৌঁছানো; plain – সরল; neglect – অবহেলা; realize – উপলব্ধি করা; external – বাহ্যিক; prestige – প্রতিপত্তি; magnificent – চমৎকার; hospitality – আতিথেয়তা; surprise – বিস্মিত। 

বাংলা অর্থঃ একদিন বিখ্যাত কবি শেখ সাদী একটি অভিজাত আমন্ত্রণে অংশ নিতে যান। তিনি সাদামাটা পোশাকে সেখানে উপস্থিত হলে, অতিথিরা তাকে অবহেলা করে এবং উপেক্ষা করে। এতে শেখ সাদী বুঝতে পারেন যে, এই সমাজ বাহ্যিক পোশাক ও প্রতিপত্তির ভিত্তিতেই মানুষকে মূল্যায়ন করে।

পরবর্তীতে, তিনি বাসায় ফিরে গিয়ে এক দামী ও জমকালো পোশাক পরে আবার ওই আমন্ত্রণে যান। এবার সবাই তাকে যথাযথ সম্মান দেখায় এবং আতিথেয়তা দেখায়। 

খাবার পরিবেশনের সময় শেখ সাদী হঠাৎ তার হাতের খাওয়া খাবার কাপড়ের পকেটে ভরতে থাকেন। এতে সবাই বিস্মিত হয়ে তার কারণ জানতে চাইলে, শেখ সাদী বলেন—”তোমরা আমাকে নয়, আমার পোশাককে সম্মান দিচ্ছো, তাই খাবারও যেন এই পোশাকই উপভোগ করে!”


  • Sharmin Shimi is a dedicated education writer at, specializing in academic updates, admission guidelines, and exam results in Bangladesh. With a passion for simplifying complex information, she helps students stay informed about their educational journey.

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