Unity is Strength Completing Story For HSC (Class 6 To 10)

Unity is Strength is one of the most frequently asked completing stories in the exam. Students have to read this story in almost every class of secondary school. Many people read the story anyway because it provides a lot of moral lessons. However, today we will simply present the unity is strength completing story for you.

Completing Story : Unity is Strength

Read the beginning of a story. Write at least ten new sentences to complete the story.

“Once upon a time, there was an old man who live in a small village. He had four sons they are always argued with each other. This made the old man very sad and worried………”

Ans: Once upon a time, there was an old man who live in a small village. He had four sons they are always argued with each other. This made the old man very sad and worried. He wanted to teach them a good lesson. So, he devised a plan. He called them and asked them to bring four sticks and some rope. 

Then he tied the sticks into a bundle. First, he ordered his eldest son to break the bundle. He tried his best but failed. Then he asked the second, third and fourth sons to break the bundle in turn. But none of them could break the bundle. Then he opened the bundle and asked them to break the sticks. This time they could break the sticks easily. 

Then the old man said to his sons, “O my sons, you are like sticks. When you are united, you are strong. But when you are alone, you become weak.” The sons understood the lesson and stopped fighting. Then they promised to stay united.

Moral: Staying united makes us stronger and helps us overcome difficulties.

Important Words’ Meaning

Stick – লাঠি; bundle – গুচ্ছ; break – ভাঙ্গা; united – ঐক্যবদ্ধ; argue – তর্ক করা; worry – চিন্তা; devise – পরিকল্পনা; rope – দড়ি; eldest son – বড় ছেলে; fail – ব্যর্থ; turn – পালা; strong – শক্তিশালী; fight – যুদ্ধ; promise – প্রতিশ্রুটি।

Read also: A Thirsty Crow Completing Story

Unity is Strength Completing Story for HSC & SSC

A farmer had four sons. The sons were not tolerant of each other. They would quarrel and fight all the time. Because of this, the farmer was very sad. He could not bring harmony between the sons in any way.

Then one day he gathered some sticks together, tied them together, and gave them to the four sons and said, “Let’s break this bunch of sticks.”

All of them tried one by one, but none of them could break it. The farmer then separated the sticks from the bunch and gave them to the sons one by one and said, “Now see if you can break them.”

They picked them up one by one and easily broke the sticks with both hands.

The farmer then explained to his sons, “Look and think, if you work together, you are capable of doing so much, no one can harm you. But if you all fight and take different paths, then you will easily be defeated when facing the enemy alone.”

Moral: Unity is power, meaning our strength lies in being united.

Important Words’ Meaning

Farmer – কৃষক; together – একসাথে; bunch – গুচ্ছ; tolerant – সহনশীল; quarrel – ঝগড়া; harmony – সাদৃশ্য; gather – জড়ো করা; separate – আলাদা; pick – বাছাই করা; explain – ব্যাখ্যা করা; capable – সক্ষম; harm – ক্ষতি; defeat – পরাজয়; strength – শক্তি। 

Unity is Strength Completing Story for Class 6, 7, 8, 9

There was an old farmer in a village. His four sons were always quarreling. Even though the old man told them to do so repeatedly, they could not maintain unity.

One day the old man decided on a strategy. He brought four sticks and called the boys. First, he asked them to break one stick. It broke easily. Then he tied the four sticks together. This time, he asked them to break it. No one could break it.

The old man said, “If you stay together like these sticks, no one can harm you. But if you stay apart, you will easily get into trouble.”

The boys accepted the lesson and started living together.

Moral: There is strength in unity.

Important Words’ Meaning

Repeatedly – বারবার; maintain – বজায় রাখা; decide – সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়া; strategy – কৌশল; apart – আলাদা; trouble – সমস্যা; accept – গ্রহণ করা। 


Unity is strength Completing Story is a very educational and wonderful story. It is important for students of any class as it often appears in exams. Besides, this story is unparalleled in terms of moral education.


  • Sharmin Shimi is a dedicated education writer at ResultKoi.com, specializing in academic updates, admission guidelines, and exam results in Bangladesh. With a passion for simplifying complex information, she helps students stay informed about their educational journey.

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