King Midas the Golden Touch Completing Story For SSC & Class 10

King Midas the Golden Touch Completing Story is very important because it teaches us about the true consequences of money and greed. This story is not just an old myth, but it reveals a deep truth of life. Let’s look at the story in simple language.

Completing Story : King Midas the Golden Touch

Read the beginning of a story. Write at least ten new sentences to complete the story.

Once upon a time there was a king called Midas. He was very greedy. He was extremely fond of gold. Although he had a lot of it, he wanted more. He thought if he had the golden touch he would be the happiest man of the world……..

Ans: Once upon a time there was a king called Midas. He was very greedy. He was extremely fond of gold. Although he had a lot of it, he wanted more. He thought if he had the golden touch he would be the happiest man of the world. He always thought about this and wanted gold. He even prayed to the gods to fulfill his wish. Finally, a wise God granted his prayer.

One day the king was walking in his apple orchard. Suddenly a ripe apple fell from the apple tree. He wanted to pick it up. The apple turned into gold as soon as he touched it. From the orchard he came to his palace. When he entered his palace, his little daughter ran to him. The king picked her up in his arms. Immediately she turned into gold. 

The king was annoyed and prayed to be freed from the god’s boon. The wise god accepted his prayer and took the boon of a golden touch from him. The king’s daughter became normal again. The king realized that excessive greed destroys everything.

Moral: No one should be greedy.

Read also: Lion and Mouse Completing Story

Important Words’ Meaning

Thought – চিন্তা; touch – স্পর্শ; wise – জ্ঞানী; orchard – বাগান; palace – প্রাসাদ; daughter – কন্যা; boon – আশীর্বাদ; greedy – লোভী; extremely – অত্যন্ত; grant – মঞ্জুর করা; suddenly – হঠাৎ; ripe – পাকা; immediately –  অবিলম্বে; freed – মুক্ত; realize – উপলব্ধি; excessive – অতিরিক্ত; greed – লোভ; destroy – ধ্বংস করা। 

King Midas the Golden Touch Completing Story for Class 10

Once upon a time there was a king named Midas. He was very fond of gold. Although he had a lot, he wanted more. He thought that if he could get a golden touch, he would be the happiest man alive. A wise god immediately granted his wish. 

One day, he woke up early in the morning and started walking around his garden as usual. He touched a white rose in the garden and saw that the flower had turned into a piece of white gold. He was surprised. Then he touched another plant which turned into gold in an instant. It was really fun for him. 

He started playing with his newfound blessing. Just at that moment, his only daughter entered the garden. He hugged his daughter and shared his joy with her. To his sheer sorrow, he saw his daughter turning into a golden statue. His voice choked due to fear and loss of love. 

But after a while he came back to himself and prayed to the wise god to take back the destructive blessing. After a few moments, the girl came back to life. The king was happy.

Moral: Extreme greed can take everything away from us.

Important Words’ Meaning

Blessing – আশীর্বাদ; alive – জীবিত; around – আশেপাশে; instant – তাৎক্ষণিক; newfound – নতুন পাওয়া; enter – প্রবেশ করা; hug – আলিঙ্গন করা; joy – আনন্দ; sheer – নিছক; sorrow – দুঃখ; statue – মূর্তি; choke – শ্বাসরুদ্ধ; destructive – ধ্বংসাত্মক। 

King Midas the Golden Touch Completing Story for SSC

Once upon a time there was a greedy king. His name was King Midas. He loved gold very much. He thought that if he could touch gold he would be the happiest man in the world. So he always prayed to God to give him the magic power of the golden touch by which everything he touched turned into gold. 

After a long prayer, God granted the king’s prayer. One day he woke up early in the morning and went for a walk in his garden. Suddenly an apple fell in front of him. He picked up the apple. But it was a very happy thing that as soon as he touched the apple, it turned into gold. Seeing this, he was surprised and delighted. 

From then on, everything turned into gold when he touched it. His joy knew no bounds. After he entered his palace, his little daughter ran to him. The king picked up his daughter in his arms. But alas! What a disaster. As soon as he touched his daughter, she turned into a golden statue. 

Seeing this, the king was shocked and in an instant all his happiness turned into sorrow. The king realized his mistake and requested God to take back his golden touch magic power. God granted his request and took back the golden touch magic power. Immediately his daughter turned from a golden statue into a human. King Midas was overjoyed to have his beloved daughter back.

Moral: Excessive greed never brings anything good.

Important Words’ Meaning

Prayer – প্রার্থনা; front – সামনে; surprise – অবাক; delight – আনন্দ; bounds – সীমা; palace – প্রাসাদ; disaster – দুর্যোগ; mistake – ভুল; request – অনুরোধ করা; overjoyed – আনন্দিত; beloved – প্রিয়।


King Midas the Golden Touch Completing Story is not just a fairy tale, but it reminds us of important lessons in life. This story gives a deep understanding of what we can lose when we fall into the trap of greed, and how to achieve true happiness. 


  • Sharmin Shimi is a dedicated education writer at, specializing in academic updates, admission guidelines, and exam results in Bangladesh. With a passion for simplifying complex information, she helps students stay informed about their educational journey.

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