My Daily Life Paragraph 100 Words & For Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Many people want to know about My Daily Life Paragraph. Actually this passage is very important for classes from class 1 to class 10. Even in the exam, this related passage is given. So it is better to read it well which will help you to prepare well. In this article we will present My Daily Life Paragraph in different ways so that you can understand it better.

My Daily Life Paragraph for Class 6, 7, 8

I am a student, so I live in a certain schedule. I prepare my lessons at home and attend school. In class I sit in the front row and listen attentively to what the teacher says. In the afternoon I go to the field and play with my peers. I return home before sunset and I never stay in the fields after sunset. Then wash hands and face and go to the reading table. I prepare lessons till ten at night. Then I have dinner with my parents, brother and sister. I never stay up late at night. I go to bed at eleven at night and sleep deeply. Except on holidays, I spend my days preparing lessons, attending classes and participating in sports.

Our Village Paragraph

My Daily Life Paragraph for Class 9

Everyone has a daily routine. I am a student so I also have a career. I do my daily work according to this daily routine. I wake up early in the morning. I brush my teeth, wash my hands and face and pray Fajr. Then I go for a walk in the open air. I eat breakfast at 7.30 am. Then I go to my reading room and prepare reading till 9.00 am. Then I eat and leave for school at ten o’clock. After coming home from school I have breakfast and go to the playground. I play football, volleyball, cricket etc. I returned home before sunset. In the evening I wash myself and pray Maghrib. Then I go to the reading room. I study till 10 pm. Then have dinner with parents. In the meantime I pray Isha. Then I go to bed and sleep well.

My Daily Life Paragraph for Class 10

I wake up very early and finish my daily tasks and pray Fajr. After the prayer, I went out for a morning walk for half an hour. After the morning tour I sat down to prepare the school lesson. I eat breakfast after studying for an hour. Then I complete the assigned homework. I take a shower after finishing my homework. After taking a shower, I put on my school dress and went to school. When there is a break, I eat a light breakfast and perform Zohar prayer in the school mosque. When school is over at 4pm, I return home straight away. I packed my books and went to play in the field with my friends after having breakfast. After returning home in the evening, I sat for Maghrib prayer and studied continuously for two hours. After that, after performing the Isha prayer, I sat down to read again and studied continuously for one and a half hours. After having dinner, I usually go to bed. This is how I finish my daily work.

Bongobondhu Tunnel Paragraph

My Daily Life Paragraph 100 Words

Everyday life is a life of rules. Everyone has to live by a set of rules. I also live my daily life in a certain way. I am a student I wake up early in the morning, wash my hands and pray Fajr. Sit down to read after prayer. After a while I came and sat to read. I did not eat breakfast after taking a bath. Then I go to school by nine in the morning. We have not finished our midday lunch during the class break at one o’clock in the afternoon. Then perform the Zohr prayer. I finished the class at 4 pm and returned home. I came home, washed my hands and performed Asr prayer and went outside to play. I returned home as soon as the sun set. When Maghrib is called to prayer, I pray. Then sit down to read. After having Isha prayer, eat dinner around 9 pm and watch some TV. I watched TV for a while and went to sleep around 10:30 PM. This is how I edit my daily tasks.


My Daily Life Paragraph is quite important. Hope the above mentioned paragraphs will be helpful for your exam. If you find these paragraphs easy then share them with your friends. Also comment us telling us which other paragraph you want to read.


  • Sharmin Shimi is a dedicated education writer at, specializing in academic updates, admission guidelines, and exam results in Bangladesh. With a passion for simplifying complex information, she helps students stay informed about their educational journey.

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