HSC Grading System – GPA Calculation 2024

The HSC result 2024 is going to be published on 15 October. Concerning the HSC grading system for 2024, nearly all candidates are confused. Confusion among candidates is increased by the numerous modifications made to the resulting system. We will cover the HSC grading system in detail, so you will have a thorough understanding of these topics. 

The easiest and most accurate way to calculate GPA is with the HSC GPA Calculator or manual process. Grade point calculations are simple to accomplish and don’t require complicated arithmetic. Anyone may quickly determine their GPA with the right method.

ssc result notice

HSC Grading System

It is essential to have knowledge of our nation’s grading system before calculating GPA. It remains completely unaltered, and this system is used to determine the GPA on public exams. Students must increase their grade point total by at least 33. If not, he will consider it a failure or an inability. 

You receive the Mark Range to Grade points and Grades on every subject, and the entire Mark Range is 0-100. You must tally the marks as a percentage if there are no subjects with a 100-mark range. Let’s have a look in the table below: 

See more: HSC Result By SMS

Marks Points Grades
80 – 100 5 A+
70 – 79 4 A
60 – 69 3.5 A-
50 – 59 3 B
40 – 49 2 C
33 – 39 1 D
0 – 32 0 F

Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) exams use the grading scheme that you see above. In accordance with this HSC grading scheme, a GPA of 5.00 is given for 80–100 marks. Next, the range of 70 to 79 is regarded as the “A Grade,” or the GPA 4.00 point. Similarly, you receive an A-grade (worth 3.50 points) if you score between 60 and 69 on the HSC exam.

After getting a score between 50 and 59 on the HSC exam, the student receives a B grade and a 3.00 GPA. A score of between 40 and 49 is regarded as a C grade, with a 2.50 GPA. A student will receive a (D Grade), which equates to a GPA of 2.00, if they receive 33 to 39 marks on the HSC exam.

Perhaps, a student receives a “golden A+” in the HSC exam if they receive more than 80 points, or an A+, in each subject.

What is Pass Mark for HSC Exam?

In 2004, when announcing the results of the SSC and HSC exams, the Ministry of Education instituted a letter grading system. Through the use of a score sheet that documents their success in both individual topics and the relevant exams, the examinees receive a certificate listing their letter grades.  

In the HSC exam, 33 out of 100 is the passing score. To pass, a student needs to receive 33 out of a possible 100 marks in each subject. The scores from the HSC exam can be found in seven different grades. where a D grade is the lowest and an A+ is the highest grade. A failing student receives a F grade.

How to Calculate HSC GPA? 

To determine the GPA in the HSC examination, the average of the grade points obtained in 8 subjects is to be calculated. In subjects where there is practical examination, the marks for practical and theory sections are calculated separately.

Step 1: Determine the grade points based on your total marks obtained in each subject. For example, if you score 75 in English, your grade would be A and the grade point would be 4.00.

Step 2: Add grade points of all subjects. For example, if you take the test in 8 subjects and get 5.00 in each subject, the total grade points will be 5 x 8 = 40.

Step 3: Divide the total grade points by 8 to find the average.


Although the HSC grading system is simple, many students do not understand the exact rules. By knowing the correct GPA calculation students can truly evaluate their results. HSC exam result is an important milestone for students. With this result, they build the foundation for university admission and future education. 

Hence, it is very important to know how this result is determined and how GPA calculation is done for it. Hope by reading this post you have got to know details about GPA making.


  • Sharmin Shimi is a dedicated education writer at ResultKoi.com, specializing in academic updates, admission guidelines, and exam results in Bangladesh. With a passion for simplifying complex information, she helps students stay informed about their educational journey.

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