HSC Result 2024 (রেজাল্ট দেখুন): All Education Board Bangladesh

Are you waiting for the HSC result 2024? The Ministry of Education has already informed about when HSC Result will be published at the high school level where the committee is working on the preparation of the HSC exam results. The Madrasah and Technical boards, as well as the nine General Education Boards, are in charge of disseminating the results of education boards. 

According to the initial decision, the HSC 2024 results may be published on 15th October 2024, 11.00 AM. The results for pupils under each board’s jurisdiction will be published under their supervision. If you took the HSC exam, you can visit your college or the Education Board website to get your results. We put together an easy-to-follow guide to help you access the result.

HSC Exam 2024 Overview

The special circumstances have resulted in significant changes to the 2024 HSC result making process. It’s crucial to remember that the HSC result will not be handled using traditional procedures. Rather, it will integrate several novel approaches to guarantee impartiality and precision. Your grades for the subjects you were able to take tests in will be taken into consideration. These grades will contribute significantly to your final score. The authorities have, however, developed a substitute approach for the courses for which tests were not given.

Read also: BOU SSC Result

Your grades in disciplines where exams were not able to be held will be based on how well you performed in prior open examinations. Your scores from the JSC and its equivalents, as well as the SSC and its comparable tests, are included in this. It’s critical to realize that you will receive an overall failing grade if you are unable to obtain passing grades in the areas for which tests were given. This emphasizes how crucial the exams that were administered.

Exam Name HSC Exam 2024
Exam Start  30 June 2024
Result Publish Date 15 October 2024
Result Checking Method Online & SMS
Website http://www.educationboardresults.gov.bd/

When will the HSC Result be Published?

Many officials of the Ministry of Education have said that there are rules, the results of the examination should be published within 60 days. But since there are not many exams now and the rest of the results will be through SSC subject mapping. The start date of the HSC 2024 exam was originally scheduled for June 30 with an anticipated completion date of August 20. However, after testing a small number of courses, the education officials took the historic decision to halt the exams due to unanticipated events.

ssc result notice

How will the HSC Results be Prepared?

This year, the results of the HSC exam will not be determined like other years because the situation was not normal this time. Moreover, the exam was not done at all. Therefore, the results of the HSC will be determined on the basis of JSC and SSC numbers for these candidates. See from below to see how the results will be determined this time:

  • The subjects that have been tested will be evaluated through HSC and those who have not been tested for 75% of SSC and 25% of the JSC will be prepared.
  • In the case of science groups, the chemistry of the average number obtained in mathematics and science and the chemistry of SSC exams, the chemistry of Higher Mathematics/Biology will be determined by HSC’s chemistry and higher mathematics/biology, respectively.
  • The number of HSC’s business education group, in the case of the business education group, has determined the number of JSC exam mathematics, the average number acquired in Bangladesh and world-class, and three groups based on three groups based on SSC examinations, respectively.
  • For the humanities and other groups, the number of three subjects for the HSC and other groups has been decided by taking into account the average number of mathematics exam results from Bangladesh and other global groups, as well as the number of JSC exam results.
  • In the case of group change, the number of Humanities and other groups of HSC and other groups has been determined by considering the number of JSC exam mathematics and the average number obtained in Bangladesh and world affairs. If anyone fails the HSC exam that has been completed, the final result will be failed.

How to Check HSC Result 2024 Online?

The website has been published from the Ministry of Education to visit HSC Result, where the students will be able to see the results. We are highlighting the websites where students can easily see their results. Students will have to go to the Ministry of Education specific website to see the results. Follow the steps below:

hsc result check

  1. Go to the Education Board Result official website http://www.educationboardresults.gov.bd/
  2. Then the exam name should be selected HSC
  3. Later, the exam year will have to be selected 2024
  4. Now you need to select the name of the examination board
  5. The student will have to put the roll number
  6. Then the student’s registration number will have to go home
  7. Now the sum of two numbers will have to be placed in the front room
  8. If all the above information is correct, the submit option will click on the result.

Checking HSC Result Via SMS

Checking your HSC Result directly from your phone is simple and quick using the SMS method. You can check your HSC result via SMS if you’d rather have a more direct option or are unable to access the internet. When there is a lot of traffic on the official websites, this technique is especially helpful. The SMS must be sent in the following format in order to be used with the method:

HSC <space> First 3 Letters of Board <space> Roll Number <space> Year

Example: HSC DHA 1234567 2024

HSC Result 2024 With Marksheet

You will be able to receive your comprehensive marksheet following the initial release of the HSC Result. You can view a more detailed analysis of your performance in this extensive paper, which is usually made available a few hours following the results release.

Having the marksheet facilitates a comprehensive understanding of your performance. It shows your overall GPA for your HSC results as well as subject-specific marks, total marks, letter grades for each subject, and each subject’s GPA.


Hopefully you now know when HSC Result 2024 is going to be released. This result will be taken part of SSC and JSC result. That is, percentage wise this result will be added from these two mediums. Results will also be received from the number of examinations held. But it is said that the result will be provided at the earliest.


  • Sharmin Shimi is a dedicated education writer at ResultKoi.com, specializing in academic updates, admission guidelines, and exam results in Bangladesh. With a passion for simplifying complex information, she helps students stay informed about their educational journey.

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